Taking an e-commerce website to a new level was a fantastic experience for AddWeb. We aim to present our clients in the best manner. Hence we make it a point to renovate the website with a theme, animations, and colour. It brings a new look for the website and makes the site more tempting than before. We also innovated the product display so now the customers can see and know the product in a much better way. It builds customer’s trust for the website.
The main concern of our client was that they were suffering from speed related issues and wanted the powerful server of Kinsta installed for their website. We surely optimized the speed for them and also established the powerful server of Kinsta. Now they get served with blazing-fast performance, excellent technical support, and simple setup and migration. We also provided the website with payment gateway options as customers can now pay in the best suited and trusted payment option for them.
The attractive images, animations, increased speed, and full specifications, increase user engagement and helps to build the trust of customers. With improvised user engagement and increased sales brand is going to benefit definitely. We are happy to know that our clients were satisfied with our services, and we helped their shopping and fashion industry to go.
You also want to increase the speed of your website or create an e-commerce platform like our client. Schedule a meeting and know about our services.